Sales Team
Steen Pedersen
In 1988, Steen started his shipping carrier in native Denmark as an apprentice with Jorgen Schultz Shipping in Kalunborg. After completing his 2 year apprenticeship, he spent the 4 years with 2 different liner agents in Denmark, before coming to Houston as a Trainee with Biehl in September of 1998. At the beginning of 2004, he relocated to Wilmington, DE to open a Biehl office covering the Delaware River incl., Baltimore. Three years later, Steen returned to Texas to serve as the Operations Manager for the Galveston location and later the Houston Office. Today is the Vice President of Sales.
Contact Info:
Biehl & Co.
Steen Pedersen | VP Sales
5200 Hollister, Suite 300 | Houston, TX 77040
Tel: 713-895-3117 | Fax: 713-895-3153 | Cell: 409-457-3786 |